Day 32 - Cumberland chimney to farmers gravel pit - 101km
The cool front came in last night and with it the wind.
I talk to a local outside the roadhouse in Georgetown he told me the roads were built as trucking routes single lane the whole way to cart cattle and have been that way for the last 50 years. Slowly being upgrading to dual lane when money becomes available.
The sentiment seems to be strong that the Queensland government only cares about Brisbane and that's where all the money goes and none is spent up in these parts.
There is a ridge ahead, my first real uphill challenge, it appears before me and I can't see where the road could possibly lead over it. I turn down to gears until I'm in the second lowest gear, psychologically so I know I have a reserve if needed, I don't use it. Round and round I go as the road snakes the slow incline up and over the hills.
I make it through, stopping only at the top, a good work out for the legs and a good test for the many hills to come.
I end up in a farmers gravel pit hoping I don't get woken up with a shotgun in my face, I think those days are gone anyway.