Day 27 - Terry Smith Lookout to just past Burke & Will's roadhouse - 112km
On the radio I heard it was going to be 37 today so I set off early to get some kilometres in before the heat hit. Hoping to get to Burke & Will's roadhouse, the halfway point between Cloncurry and Normanton.
The road started of hilly and then turned into a floodway, flat and straight, it really kills the morale. At least with turns and hills you push yourself hoping for a nice bit of downhill and even if it doesn't come, you keep hoping the next corner might be different. I came to the end of this straight and turned the corner meeting something entirely different.
Rob, a seasoned bicycle tourer who had been all over having got the bug early on. He had upgraded to an electric bike and had the full set up with battery packs and motors and could do around 200km a day. He told me a few good tracks to check out on my way down and even his number if I wanted to stay the night at his place in the Sunshine Coast on my way down. He left saying once you get the bug you won't be able to stop.
I made it to Burke & Will's and got a burger, it was bloody good and cheap too. After filling up with water and food I headed 10km down the road to my camp for the night.
I passed 2000km today.