Day 10 - Corrie Airstrip to Daly Waters - 112km
Last night a car pulled in late and gave us all a fireworks show which was great. A belated Territory Day day celebration. Territory Day is where for one day a year you can buy and set off fireworks. It's one of my favourite days, a night of mayhem where fireworks are going off left right and centre. So I'm glad I got to see a couple go off.
A quick stop off at Larrimah to get some water, had a few chats with the grey nomads, the road is full of them. Pulling caravans, driving old converted buses, all levels of comfort can be achieved, you just pay your price at the bowser. A friendly nomad later gave me a cool bottle of alcohol free beer and took my photo. Another couple pulled up along side me and asked if I needed anything. The answer is always a cold drink.
I kept heading south with a vague idea I might get to Daly Waters. The landscape is getting alot drier and I passed fields of spear grass just waiting to go up in a crackling fire. The stops are getting few and far between, so I kept pedalling, the enticement of a cold beverage kept me going the last 20km, by now my water was as warm as a nice shower and wasn't really hitting the spot.
I bypassed Daly Waters pub, last time I was there was for a BNS ball and want that to be my lasting memory of the place. I pulled in to the servo at the Borroloola turn off and quenched my thirst. A young guy pulled up in his Ford wagon and we had a yarn.
He told me he was heading around Australia from Melbourne he was winging his way around, heading to Darwin and then to Broome. He told me about a hippie commune I should check out near Cairns, I wrote down the name, might stop by when I get there.
I broke 100km today but it wasn't easy, let's see what tomorrow brings.