Day 1&2 - Howard Springs to Batchelor - 95km
With a lovely farewell from Trevor and Roy, I set off into the morning mist, savouring the last sealed bike track I would see for a while.
I decided to follow the old train line bike track from Coolalinga through to Batchelor, it looked good on paper but the track was very rough and the heavy bike sank into the soft sand.
I knew the first few weeks would be tough, the physical challenges coupled with the heat made it a hard slog. Nothing that regular stops couldn’t help with.
A nice lady stopped and told me there were a couple of Buffulo wandering the road up ahead and made sure I got through safely. It was one of the highlights so far, along with rolling into Batchelor.
Ill set up camp tonight and aim to get to robin falls tomorrow for a camp and a dip in the creek.